“First is drunk for health. Second for pleasure. Third for Tears. Fourth for madness.”
Channel your inner vodka swigging gypsy at this old world Polish bar and eatery. Borsch Vodka and Tears is a bohemian enclave, tucked away on Chapel Street, where you will discover over 100 vodkas from all reaches of the Eastern Bloc. This inviting but moody dimly lit bar, offers a mix of Polish and Russian peasant style food and vodka everything. From infused concoctions to elaborate cocktails and shots served in dainty little glasses, you can dance with the green fairy on absinthe or even have a pot of warm vodka tea. If you are looking for somewhere a little offbeat in Melbourne then Borsch Vodka and Tears is for you.
panfried polish gnocchi served with a wild mushroom ragout
selection of gypsy ham, csabai, kransky, russian salad,
roast capsicum, beetroot, polish dill cucumbers, pickled mushrooms, goats
cheese and a basket of rye bread